VGA Wellness

Get started on the path

to holistic wellness.

Hello My name is Vincent Allen

As a health and fitness professional, I prioritize building client relationships based on trust, respect, and commitment. My passion lies in guiding individuals to achieve their health and wellness goals through a holistic coaching approach.

Welcome to VGA Wellness

VGA Wellness specializes in coaching busy individuals by seamlessly integrating health and wellness into their lives. We empower clients with scientific knowledge and practical skills, ensuring they achieve a holistic well-being.

Our approach focuses on a balanced integration of health goals with lifestyle, fostering fulfillment and happiness. Committed to guiding individuals toward a healthier and more contented life, VGA Wellness provides expert coaching for sustainable practices and informed choices.

Passionate About Inspiring Others

Vincent Allen, a seasoned health and fitness professional with over 15 years of expertise in fitness, nutrition, and wellness, specializes in delivering holistic health education. His unique coaching style integrates behavioral change, health and wellness coaching, functional strength training, and comprehensive body movement, emphasizing functional training, strength, balance, and mobility for his clients.

Education & Certifications

  • University of Idaho- Movement & Leisure Sciences, M.S.
  • University of Idaho- Exercise Science & Health, B.S.
  • ACE Certified Health Coach
  • International Sports Sciences Association- Certified Fitness Trainer, Youth Fitness Coach, Fitness Nutrition Specialist, and Corrective Exercise Specialist
  • USA Powerlifting Club Coach
  • Partner Assisted Stretching Practitioner


  • Health and Behavioral Change Coaching
  • Functional Resistance Training
  • Weight Management
  • Recreational Endurance Sports
  • Mobility and Flexibility
  • Nutrition Counseling
What We Offer

One-hour virtual meeting to discuss what’s keeping you from reaching your health goals.

Four-week customized wellness program with unlimited email, texting, and one monthly 45-minute video meeting

Four-week customized wellness program with unlimited email and texting, and weekly 30-minute video meetings

VGA Wellness Online Guidence

Four-week customized wellness program with unlimited email corrispondance and texting.

*Offered to online clients after 3-months coaching





Before purchasing VGA Wellness Sessions, it is necessary to reach out to Vincent.

VGA Wellness Consultation

In our one-hour virtual health consultation, expect a personalized and supportive experience. We'll discuss your health goals, identify obstacles, and collaboratively create strategies tailored to your lifestyle. I'll provide expert advice on nutrition, fitness, and stress management, ensuring a comprehensive approach. You can ask questions, seek clarification, and leave with a clear follow-up plan for ongoing support.

Let's embark on a transformative journey towards a happier and healthier you!

As part of this service, you can expect:

1. In-Depth Assessment: We'll dive deep into assessing your current health status, considering both physical and mental well-being.

2. Goal Setting: Together, we'll establish realistic and achievable health goals based on your aspirations and the challenges you face.

3. Obstacle Identification: We'll analyze the barriers preventing you from reaching your health goals and collaboratively devise strategies to overcome them.

4. Personalized Recommendations: I'll provide personalized recommendations, including lifestyle modifications, nutritional guidance, and exercise suggestions tailored to your needs.

5. Q&A Session: Feel free to ask questions, seek clarification, and engage in meaningful discussions about your health concerns.

6. Follow-Up Plan: To ensure ongoing support, we'll outline a follow-up plan, which may include additional virtual sessions, resources, or tools to assist you on your health journey.

VGA Wellness Online Coaching

Welcome to our holistic wellness experience! Building on our one-hour virtual health consultation, our four-week customized wellness program is designed for your journey to optimal well-being.

Here's how VGA Wellness Online Coaching can help you achieve your health and fitness goals:

1. Personalized Wellness Plan: Your journey begins with a detailed assessment, crafting a customized plan covering nutrition, fitness, stress management, and lifestyle improvements tailored to your unique needs.

2. Unlimited Communication: Stay connected at your convenience with unlimited email and text support. I’m here for your questions, guidance, and progress updates, ensuring you're supported throughout your transformation.

3. Monthly Video Meetings: Engage in monthly 45-minute video meetings for a personalized experience. Discuss progress, address concerns, and refine your wellness plan in real-time, fostering a deeper understanding of your evolving needs.

4. Real-Time Adjustments: Life changes, and so can your wellness needs. With unlimited communication channels, I make real-time adjustments to keep your program tailored to your current circumstances and goals.

5. Accountability and Motivation: Regular check-ins provide the accountability and motivation needed for sustainable change. Celebrate successes, troubleshoot challenges, and stay inspired throughout the entire four-week program.

6. Holistic Approach: Our program considers the interconnectedness of physical, mental, and emotional well-being, creating a sustainable foundation for lasting health.

Embark on this transformative journey with our expert guidance and unwavering support. Experience the flexibility of unlimited communication, coupled with focused monthly video meetings, as we work together to achieve your wellness goals. Your well-being is our priority, and we're committed to assisting you every step of the way.

VGA Wellness Online Coaching

Welcome to our extended and enhanced four-week customized wellness program, where your journey to optimal well-being is top priority. In addition to the key features mentioned in “VGA Wellness Online Coaching”, I've added more personalized elements to ensure a comprehensive and tailored approach to your health and fitness goals.

Extended Services:

1. Weekly 30-Minute Video Meetings: Elevating our support, you now have the opportunity for weekly 30-minute video meetings. These regular check-ins provide a more frequent and focused platform to discuss your progress, address concerns, and fine-tune your wellness plan in real-time. The increased frequency enhances the personalization of your experience, allowing for a deeper understanding of your evolving needs.

2. Individualized Weekly Goals: Building on our one-week plans, we'll work together to set specific and achievable goals for each week. These goals will be aligned with your overall wellness plan, providing a roadmap for your weekly progress. This structured approach fosters a sense of accomplishment and ensures measurable steps towards your desired health outcomes.

3. Adaptive Program Management: Life changes, and so can your wellness needs. With unlimited communication channels, I make real-time adjustments to keep your program tailored to your current circumstances and goals. This adaptive approach ensures that your wellness journey evolves in sync with your dynamic lifestyle, promoting sustained progress and long-term success.

Join me on this extended transformative journey with my expert guidance and unwavering support. Experience the flexibility of unlimited communication, coupled with weekly video meetings and resources, as we work together to achieve your wellness goals. Your well-being is not just a destination; it's a continuous journey, and we are committed to assisting you every step of the way.


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McCook, NE 69001

(208) 669-2085


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